Changes to the Tipjoy button
The Tipjoy button has gotten an upgrade. Here's what's new:
If you're signed into Tipjoy, the button lets you know by showing your username and showing the tip amount you've set in your settings. For example, my buttons all say: "Hi abby, give 50¢"
If you're not signed in or not a user, you see the 'enter your email' field right away. We think this an improvement for several reasons. With the previous button we would frequently see users click the tipjoy button and then not notice that the email field appeared. This way they see right away what is required of them. Also, we've removed one click from the process, making things even more streamlined.
Now, your custom message appears above this area, and you've got another area underneath to add more notes.
We've also added a 'get tipjoy for your site' link on all buttons and a 'what's tipjoy?' link for people who do not have accounts. We've received a lot of feedback that people want a link to explain what tipjoy and this tip button is, so we are excited to include this addition.
If the user is signed in, next to the tipjoy links they'll see their balance. They can click it to go directly to our site and pay their bill. Tipjoy button owners should be excited about this - we've already seen it increase the frequency at which people 'make good' on their tips.
Once you tip, in addition to the 'give more' link you can now go directly to the 'comment' page. As long as you're signed in, the button will stay in the 'thanks' state, displaying the total you've given to it.
Finally, you can now set the width of the button to whatever works best for your site, and how much you want to say in your personal messages. The button below, for example, is 440px wide:
Customize your own button!
We've also beefed up our plugin support, and have new Wordpress and Textpattern plugins. Our TypePad integration now accepts the customization options you set. We're working on new site-specific instructions to add to our list - if you've got one you'd like to see listed, please let us know.