Saturday, March 29, 2008

Take "Free Public Wifi" to the next level

Here is an interesting post about a viral SSID

The idea is that a windows box that can't find a wireless connection will become the first node in an ad hoc network with SSID "Free Public Wifi". Others join, setting the SSID in their preferred list. So it spreads virally despite no connection to the net.

This is very interesting.

I'd like this to be taken to the next level, and I'm sure many of those searching for some entertainment on the internet while stranded in the airport would agree.

Why not actually use the ad hoc network for connecting socially or playing games? Wouldn't it be a lovely parting gift from a failed attempt to connect the the internet to be able to play a WLAN game or chat with someone?

This is something mobile game consoles understand, often with the build in ability to battle people nearby.

Location based wired interactions like this are very young. We'll undoubtedly see more of it.

So a few trends put together probably make a winner: casual gaming + the social net + ad hoc location based networks.


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