Friday, November 14, 2008

custom tipjoy button code released

We've got a new tipjoy widget, and it's yours for the customizing.

With this tipjoy widget you can:
- completely customize the look and feel via CSS
- display who's tipped most recently, and who's the most generous
- allow givers to leave short messages

Get it here

To see some examples, check out our previous post.

PS - to all you CSS hecklers out there, be forewarned so your head doesn't explode: to ensure compatibility across all sorts of people's sites, no matter what crazy things they do to Ps and DIVs and other tags...everything in this tipjoy widget is wrapped in a SPAN. But I don't want to blame my users - they can do whatever they want to their CSS. I'm blaming IE for not supporting custom tags which would have been a much more elegant solution.

Just want a basic button? Or a goal thermometer? Check out all your options here.


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